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Lolo User Manual

Welcome to your Lolo User Manual. This area will be continually updated, and you can return here anytime by clicking "Account" in the top bar, and then tapping the Manual button.

Lolo Clipper

Using the iOS Clipper

With the iOS extension - Web pages - Notes

Using the Google Chrome Clipper

First, make sure you've pinned the Clipper to your toolbar for easy access.

When you want to clip a webpage, simply click the Lolo icon in the toolbar. If you haven’t logged in you will be asked to connect the Clipper to your Lolo account.

You have control over three things when you clip:


Notes are be a helpful way to attach meaning to a webpage you clip. Your note could include a quote from the page, some action items, a short summary, your takeaways, etc. Anything you add as a note is instantly searchable in Lolo.


Tags are arguably the most important part of Lolo. They are brief, semantic labels for the content you save, helping you effortlessly organize and return to the content you need.

3) Screenshot


Fuzzy search

Start your search by tapping the search box in the toolbar, or pressing ⌘K. Just enter what you're looking for (e.g. "shoes", "") and press Enter to fuzzy search for it. Fuzzy search means that the search will look for any clips which contain the query in their metadata (page URL, page title) or content (title, note, snippet).

Filtering by tags

Lolo also lets you filter your clips by tag. Use the [] delimeters to filter by the tag you're looking for. For example, if you just want to see clips with the "news" tag, search for [news]

Exact matches

Sometimes you want to find an exact match for a string, rather than a fuzzy match. This is helpful if you don't want to get results for typos or mis-repesentations of what you are querying. Look for exact matches by surrounding your query with quotes; for example, "news".

Filtering by date

You can also filter clips by relative date. Try searching for "yesterday", "a week ago", or even "clips I added 2 months ago" to filter clips made on the specified date. We include a 20% date "threshold" around your query, meaning that if you search 2 weeks ago, you'll see some clips added a bit before and a bit after (because the longer ago you added something, the fuzzier your memory about the specific date you added it ;).


Browsing generally starts in the or views. There, you'll see your clips choronologically sorted, with the most recent at the top.

Browsing is the practice of exploring your clips by clicking on their tags. For example, you start out in the stream, where you find a recent clip with tags food and recipes. This clip was a recipe, but you're more interested in browsing what you've collected about food, so you click the food tag. This starts a tag search for food. At this point, you might find an interesting article to re-read, or continue browsing by tag.

The graph

The is a visual representation of everything you’ve clipped to Lolo and how it’s all connected. There are two features of a graph worth knowing: nodes and edges. Nodes represent the clips themselves. Edges connect the nodes; each edge corresponds to a tag shared between two nodes.

Graph evolution

As you add more clips, you'll see your graph taking form. If your clips all center around the same tag, you'll see a messier graph, since each node self-references all the other nodes, making for a tangled web of edges. If your clips have largely unique tags, there won't be any edges at all.

To build a useful graph, you want to find the right balance between specificity and generality when tagging. For example, if most of your clips are news articles, then a news tag might not be very helpful.

Interacting with the graph

The graph is interactive, and can serve as a starting point for exploring the interconnection of your clips. Hover over a node to preview the clip, and click it to jump right to it. Hover over an edge to preview the tag, and click it to find all clips with that tag.

Keyboard shortcuts

⌘[     Navigate backward
⌘]     Navigate forward
⌘J    Draft a note
⌘K   Focus the search bar
[          Show tag browser

My Account

Profile & privacy

Lolo is built with privacy first, and intentionally offers no social or sharing capabilities. Nobody can see or find you on Lolo, and all your data is private to you.

Your authentication and profile details (e.g. your email, name, and password) are stored in a vault separate from your clips. No personal information is stored with your clips. All Lolo data is managed by Google Cloud (see their security practices).


Bring your content into Lolo with the Clipper! On your iOS device, you can clip pages you find in Safari, notes on your phone, Google Maps URLs, and more! On your computer, use the Chrome extension to clip pages you visit. You can jot down a note for reference later, and add tags to link the clip to your graph.

phone_iphone Install iOS shortcut

laptop_chromebook Add Chrome extension


Add Lolo to your dock with the Mac app. (Currently in beta)

get_app Download Lolo for Mac


Something not working? Wish there was a feature we don't have yet? Share a tidbit of feedback for our team here!

Send feedback

User Manual

Curious about searching in Lolo? Wondering how the graph works? You'll find everything you need to know in the Lolo User Manual.


You have {{ clips.length }} clips and {{ tags.size }} tags.


You own your data, and can export it to your computer at any time.

No clips to show.
{{ tag_preview.tag }}
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{{ clip.page_title }} monetization_on
{{ clip.description }} — {{ }}
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{{ clip.title }}
{{ clip.snippet }}
{{ clip.note_excerpt }}...
{{ clip.note }}
{{ tag }}